
Life On The Edge With Merb, DataMapper & RSpec

Primary LanguageRuby

Life On The Edge With Merb, DataMapper & RSpec

The book is written in Markdown comes complete with a set of rake tasks for publishing to HTML and plain text formats. Run 'rake -T' from the root to see the options available.

You will need to have one of the following gems installed.

  • rdiscount
  • rpeg-markdown
  • maruku
  • BlueCloth

Use sudo gem install <name> to install one of them.

To Contribute

Fork the git repository and send Matt a pull request (matt@new-bamboo.co.uk) Please try and keep a 80 column wrap, it makes git-diffs nicer.

Thanks for your patch!


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Source code of the applications are dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: