
Coding challenge for frontend developers

Frontend Coding Challenge: Exchange Listing Table with SSR


Your task is to create a Next.js application that displays cryptocurrency exchange data fetched from a public API in a paginated table. The data should be server-side rendered (SSR).


  1. Setup:

    • Create a new project using Next.js.
    • Use any CSS-in-JS solution or CSS framework of your choice for styling. Bonus points for styled components.
  2. API Integration:

    • Integrate with the provided API endpoint: https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/exchanges.
    • Fetch and display the data in SSR mode.
    • Paginate through results.
  3. Table Display:

    • Display the data in a table format on the index page.
    • The table should have the following 6 columns:
      1. Exchange name with image.
      2. Year established.
      3. Country.
      4. Trust score.
      5. 24h trade volume in BTC.
      6. Normalized 24h trade volume in BTC.
    • Implement server-side pagination controls for the table. Each page should display 15 exchanges.
  4. Row Interaction:

    • Clicking on a row should open the exchange's URL in a new browser tab.
  5. Routing:

    • Use Next.js to set up proper routing for paginated data.
    • For example, /page/2 should show the next set of 15 exchanges. You could also use url params, e.g. ?page=2. Up to you.
  6. Error Handling:

    • Gracefully handle any errors when fetching data from the API, displaying an appropriate message to the user.
  7. Styling:

    • Ensure that the table is neatly styled, ensuring readability.
    • Add responsiveness so that the table is viewable on mobile devices.
    • Feel free to use Rated's color palette as described here
    • Feel free to also copy general styling from Rated's website.
  8. Testing:

    • Bonus points for adding tests using Jest or similar.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Functionality: Ensure that all requirements are implemented and work as expected.
  2. Code Quality: Clean, readable, and maintainable code.
  3. Next.js Implementation: Proper use of server-side rendering and routing.


Provide a link to the GitHub repository containing your code. Include any instructions needed to run and test your application locally. Bonus points if you deploy the app to a platform like Vercel and provide the live link.

Good luck!