
My own slackbuild scripts for Slackware linux.

Primary LanguageShell

Dave's Slackbuilds!

**MOVED!** Hello, I am moving my repos to http://ratfactor.com/repos/
and setting them to read-only ("archived") on GitHub. Thank you, -Dave

There are only the slackbuild files as submitted to
slackbuilds.org in this directory.

(Though I may or may not submit everything I create here.)

All testing (including downloading the application source being
build) is NOT done in this repo. 

I do make the tarball for each in this outer directory (ignored
by git) for use in testing:

    $ ./tar-it-up.sh <dir_with_slackbuild>

And then switch to the superuser and copy the resulting .tar.gz to /root
because that's where I'd be making/installing it normally anyway:

    $ sudo -i
    # cp /home/dave/slackbuilds/<package>.tar.gz .
    # tar xf <package>.tar.gz
    # cd <package>
    # grep DOWNLOAD *.info
    # wget https://example.com/<package>.tar.xz
    # ./<package>.SlackBuild
    Slackware package /tmp/<package>-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz created.

    # installpkg /tmp/<package>-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz


See individual <package>/<package.SlackBuild files.