
A very simple script to connect locast to Plex's live tv/dvr feature.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

IMPORTANT FOR USERS UPGRADING TO 0.3.x OR 0.5.x: With the architectural changes made in these versions, a few config and set up tasks have changed. Please re-review the installation instructions for detals


A Python script and Docker image to connect locast to Plex's live tv/dvr feature. Seems to work for Emby and Jellyfin too!

Uses ffmpeg, python, and a few awesome python modules to do most of the heavy lifting. A lot of code was inspired from telly as well.

Some warnings:

Important Legal Notice:

To prevent legal issues for both Locast and myself, please do not use locast2plex to obtain channels that are outside of your general market area (i.e. in a completely different state). Thank you for understanding.

Developer's Note:

Time is limited due to other major factors (work, wife/kids), so please understand if I am not able to address all issues or pull requests. I will try my best to help though!

As always, pull requests are welcome.

Set up options:

As of 0.3, are now two ways to use locast2plex -- either via a Docker container, or running as a command line/terminal program. Both options are relatively straightforward, so which option you choose would probably be based on what you're more comfortable with and your current setup.


  • Server ("always-on" computer) that is either network accessible to the Plex server, or running on the same server as Plex. Make sure the server you choose is suitable for handling video.

  • If you're using Docker, then make sure Docker is installed on the server. See here for details on getting started with Docker.

  • If you choose to run this as a command line program, the following OSs and programs are required:

    • Windows (Mac and Linux probably work too, but this is untested)
    • Python 2.7.x
    • ffmpeg (if running under Mac or Linux). Mac users can usually install this via homebrew, and Linux through their distribution's respective package manager
  • A locast account that you have donated to (non donated accounts have streams that terminate after 5-10 mins, so locast2plex intentionally fails to prevent issues with non donating users and the DVR function). Also be sure you are running the server from the same physical location that you want channels for.

Some caveats

  • As of now, EPG is provided solely through Plex. Perhaps we can investigate getting EPG data through locast later, as the API supports it.


  1. Take note of the Plex-accessible IP address of the server install you are using to create the container. If you are running locast2plex on the same server as Plex, you may need use the loopback address (, or perhaps the Docker container IP address (if both are separate Docker containers), instead. Note that the ports used are:

    • 6077 (tcp) for the hdhomerun device emulation service (and can be changed)
    • 1900 (udp) for SSDP discovery (which cannot be changed -- see troubleshooting for workarounds).
  2. NEW FOR 0.5.x We now use a config.ini file to store our configuration options. Create a new file with the following content in a handy location on your computer, making sure you modify the appropriate fields to match your configuration:

    locast_username=<locast username>
    locast_password=<locast password>
    plex_accessible_ip=<ip found in step 1>

    If you are changing port 6077, you will need to add an plex_accessible_port entry in the config file, like so:

    plex_accessible_port=<new port number>

    You can also use the config_example.ini found in the source files. There's some interesting additional options commented out here that you can look at as well.

  3. Choose your installation method:

    • Via Docker: Set up the Docker container. There are two options:

      1. Docker Compose:

        • Download the latest locast2plex release files on GitHub and extract to a folder
        • Copy the newly created config file into the newly created release folder, making sure it's named config.ini.
        • Modify the docker-compose.yml file your liking. If you are changing port 6077, you will also need to modify the port number in the first ports option, like so:
        - "12345:6077"
        • Run docker-compose up in the release folder.
      2. Docker Command (no need to download anything):

        Run the following command:

        docker run -v <full path to config file>:/app/config.ini -p 6077:6077 -p 1900:1900/udp tgorg/locast2plex

        If you are changing port 6077, you will also need to modify the port number in the first -p argument, like so:

        docker run -v <full path to config file>:/app/config.ini -p 12345:6077 -p 1900:1900/udp tgorg/locast2plex

    • Via Terminal/Command Line:

      • Download the latest locast2plex release files on GitHub and extract to a folder

      • Copy the newly created config file into the newly created release folder, making sure it's named config.ini.

      • Run the following command in the release folder:

        python main.py

  4. Configure Plex to use locast2plex:

    • In the Plex settings on your server or web interface, select Live TV/DVR on the left-hand menu and add a device as you would normally add a HDHomeRun.

    • You may need to enter the address manually as SSDP autodiscovery is buggy at the moment. The address will be the value you set as the docker_accessible_ip and docker_accessible_port (or it's default value) fields in config.ini (for example

    • You may or may not see a box appear showing the recognized locast2plex instance, but even if this is not the case, you should be able to use the "Continue" button on the bottom right.

  5. Configure your channels. A few notes:

    • Make sure you have Plex using the proper "Broadcast" line up EPG for locast's broadcast location

    • Starting with 0.3, stations should have the correct channel and subchannel assignments now. If there were any that were unrecognized, check the troubleshooting list below for assistance.


Incorrect channel numbers

Sometimes locast2plex will not be able to get the correct channel/subchannel number (perhaps an outdated number or a channel number from a similarly named station outside of the market). Stations we don't recognize at all have their channel numbers assigned sequentially from 1000 on.

For now, the easiest way to fix this is to find the correct channel id by research. Usually searching the callsign via Google reveals the correct channel number (sometimes we'll see an updated callsign on a the first result as well). Wikipedia is also extremely helpful here.

In the future, I'd like to implement some additional checks and tests for better channel recognition. If you run into any problems, feel free to submit an issue so at least we can keep track of it.

Working around port 1900

SSDP is used to try to enable Plex autodetection of the locast2plex instance, but it's currently buggy at the moment. If you're using Docker, you can remove the -p 1900:1900/udp part of the docker command like so:

docker run -v <full path to config file:/app/config.ini -p 6077:6077 tgorg/locast2plex

For docker-compose users, delete the following line from docker-compose.yml:

- "1900:1900/udp"

For now, there is no option for straight Python users to disable port 1900. Let me know in GitHub if this is an important option to implement.

Submitting an issue

When submitting an issue, make sure to take note of the docker or command line output, and include OS details and what method of install you have chosen (Docker, docker-compose, or via terminal). Note that logs reveal username and approximate location information (in latitude/longitude as well as Locast's Nielsen market id), so be sure to look through what you post and clear out any data you want hidden before posting.


A big THANK YOU to all who have co-developed locast2plex, and/or are answering issues in GitHub (sorry if I missed anyone!):

CTJohnK, diana1055, FozzieBear, jcastilloalonso, steventwheeler