
CSEA Group Project 3

Primary LanguageHTML

CSEA Group Project 3 - Department eCommerce Website

This is a sample application that demonstrates an E-commerce website. The application loads products from a SQLite3 database and displays them. Users can select items and add them to their shopping cart and checkout with or without creating an account. Payment portal has PayPal integration. Password recovery for user accounts has been implemented through Mail Transfer Protocol.


Home/Store Page

Cart Page

Checkout Page

Sign In Page

Sign Up Page

Getting Started

To get started you can simply clone this cseag3 repository and install the dependencies.

Clone the cseag3 repository using git:

git clone https://github.com/rathod-aryan/cseag3

cd cseag3

Other than stated the tech stack, install Pillow (Python Image Library) using :

pip install Pillow

Before running the server, login to your active browser's gmail with the following account :



Run the application with this command while in cseag3 directory :

cd ecom

python manage.py runserver


  • SuperUser credentials :

    • Username : superuser

    • Password : supersuperuseruser

  • PayPal Sandbox Account :

    • Username : testusercsea(at)iitg(dot)ac(dot)in

    • Password : testusercsea

Use PayPal Balance for payment method.

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Django
  • JavaScript
  • BootStrap