Please note that contributions made to this repository are not counted as valid for Hacktoberfest 2021.
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Find nth node from end of Linked List
#423 opened by smritipillai - 2
Create a circular Linked List
#380 opened by anjalijaiswal08 - 3
Merge Two Sorted Lists
#1259 opened by harshita9621 - 2
Rotate matrix by 90 degree anticlockwise.cpp
#1240 opened by paridhi-jain-047 - 4
Move all zeroes to the end of an array.
#570 opened by rathoresrikant - 3
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Create a Doubly linked list
#1254 opened by Pushkar03 - 3
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No. of square matrix in a rectangular matrix
#925 opened by NripeshKumar - 4
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Given two strings, check whether they are anagrams of each other or not.
#275 opened by rathoresrikant - 1
Disjoint Sets
#856 opened by techfreakology - 0
nth catalan number
#913 opened by rak108 - 5
- 0
- 1
sum of all leaf nodes in a tree using C++
#996 opened by NripeshKumar - 3
Reverse a string using stack.
#576 opened by rathoresrikant - 0
Bellman Ford Algorithm in C++
#854 opened by techfreakology - 8
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accept to merge
#910 opened by PiyushMalu - 5
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Print n terms of Newman-Conway Sequence
#814 opened by kooljais24 - 4
Catalan number
#755 opened by rathoresrikant - 2
Pernicious number using bit manipulation
#745 opened by charBap - 0
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Hans Solo and Lazer gun.
#428 opened by 01shobitha - 3
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Delete the middle node of a linked list.
#572 opened by rathoresrikant - 3
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Delete the middle element of a stack.
#575 opened by rathoresrikant - 2
Reverse a stack using recursion.
#574 opened by rathoresrikant - 2
Kaprekar number checker.
#418 opened by biswaroop1547 - 4
Given a string, remove all vowels from it.
#282 opened by rathoresrikant - 1
Sorting of a linked list
#446 opened by rathoresrikant - 2
Check if a singly linked list is a palindrome.
#381 opened by rathoresrikant - 8
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Implement doubly linked list.
#326 opened by anjalijaiswal08 - 2
Remove duplicates from linked list.
#325 opened by anjalijaiswal08 - 3
Print the middle of a given linked list.
#407 opened by rathoresrikant - 0
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Number of zeros in factorial of number.
#414 opened by anjalijaiswal08 - 1
Peak finding algorithm in 1D and 2D array.
#416 opened by biswaroop1547 - 2
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LRU cache
#396 opened by albertaleksieiev - 0
Check if a singly linked list is a palindrome.
#382 opened by rathoresrikant - 3
Remove extra spaces from a string.
#313 opened by rathoresrikant - 1
Find the lexicographic rank of a string.
#281 opened by rathoresrikant