Code for AAAI 2019 paper on Data-to-Text Generation with Content Selection and Planning
- 0
Raise a ValueError(invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'tensor(589,')on the step 2 of generate
#41 opened by WangCEChen - 0
run train.py TypeError: process() missing 1 required positional argument: 'train'
#40 opened by tryinggo - 2
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
#25 opened by wingedRuslan - 1
- 1
what the inf_src_valid.txt
#39 opened by happycjksh - 1
- 1
A problem about copygenerator
#38 opened by happycjksh - 14
Train failed: inconsistent sequence length
#29 opened by linkAmy - 1
- 1
where are the files.txt?
#33 opened by happycjksh - 1
- 12
- 5
Understanding train-roto-ptrs.txt file
#26 opened by wingedRuslan - 2
Training Failed
#28 opened by wingedRuslan - 1
- 1
Focus only on text generation
#31 opened by wingedRuslan - 1
Question for setup
#32 opened by TongLi3701 - 4
- 7
wherer i can get this file.txt?
#24 opened by rxc205 - 3
- 2
- 2
- 0
- 1
Load model problems
#20 opened by lxsyz - 2
How to generate the file named "transform_gen/roto-gold-val-beam5_gens.h5-tuples.txt"
#19 opened by lxsyz - 4
Question about content plan
#18 opened by BlackFeetMouse - 2
About Accury and Perplexity
#15 opened by Lightyounger - 4
Which metric is used in development?
#17 opened by JianyuZhao7 - 2
environment config for running extractor.lua?
#12 opened by LTlitong - 2
- 3
- 1
After loss.backward(), why needs torch.autograd.backward(inputs, grads, retain_graph=retain_graph)
#11 opened by LarryLee-BD - 1
Train JC model
#9 opened by shubhamagarwal92 - 9
file missing while evaluation
#5 opened by CarinaXZZ - 3
- 0
remember to use torchtext==0.2.3
#7 opened by wanghm92 - 1
CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED problem when running extractor.lua for retraining convolutional extraction model
#6 opened by LarryLee-BD - 5
version of pyxdameraulevenshtein
#4 opened by shubhamagarwal92 - 1
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#3 opened by shubhamagarwal92 - 4
Version of Python and libraies
#1 opened by CarinaXZZ