Cutshort Assignment

Assignment to demostrate technical skill of implementing basic CRUD operation using MongoDB.

Tech Stack

  • Nest.js Framework - Express based type safe opiniated backend framework.
  • MongoDB - Database layer
  • Mongoose - ODM to connect with MongoDB
  • Class Validator - To check incoming request fullfilling required fields
  • Passport JWT Auth - For authentication
  • Argon2 - For hashing password
  • Custom guards for Role (ADMIN, USER)


  1. Copy .env.example to .env, all keys are required.
  2. A Dockerfile has been added to deployment in most of PaaS easy, like, Railway, Render, Cyclic AWS ECS, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Run etc or in Kubernetes/Nomad.
  3. Generate secrets using following command, run it 2 times, in prod Never keep JWT_ACCESS_SECRET and JWT_REFRESH_SECRET and add them as environment variable as per platform you are using.
node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(256).toString('base64'));"

Note: Server will not start if its not able to connect with MongoDB.


  • Server expose /docs for swagger UI and /docs-json for OpenApi specs. It requires a requery params pin. So, link will be http://<host>/docs?pin=<pin_provided> and http://<host>/docs-json?pin=<pin_provided>
  • All routes are protected using AccessTokenGuard which requires Authorization header to be present with Bearer {Token} as value except /post.
  • All APIs are rate-limited to 6 req/s except /post which is rate-limited to 2 req/sec being an open api.
  • There are 2 roles, ADMIN and USER.
  • Updating a user, post and todos is only allowed by admin or user themselves.


  • POST /auth/signup - Sign up a new user takes {"username": string, "password": string}
  • POST /auth/signin - Sign up a new user takes {"username": string, "password": string}: Both APIs above return {"access_token": string, "refresh_token": string}


  • GET /post - to get all posts
  • POST /post - create a post - required Bearer auth token in header
  • PATCH /post/:id - update post - required Bearer token, user created post and admin user can only access this resources
  • POST /post/comment - add comment to a post


  • POST /todo - to add a new todo
  • GET /todo - to get todo related to logged in user,i.e, access token provided for user
  • PATCH /todo - update todo - required Bearer token, user created post and admin user can only access this resources

More details about, request structure and responses can be found in Swagger UI.