
Fork of zsh-bd with changes requested by https://github.com/Tarrasch/zsh-bd/issues/18

Primary LanguageShell

Build Status


Quickly go back to a specific parent directory instead of typing cd ../../.. redundantly.

Update August 2017: While there have not been commits lately, it's still fully functional.

This is a reimplementation of vigneshwaranr/bd that utilizes the power of the zsh shell.


All you need to do is to source bd.zsh. Here's the manual installation

mkdir -p $HOME/.zsh/plugins/bd
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tarrasch/zsh-bd/master/bd.zsh > $HOME/.zsh/plugins/bd/bd.zsh
print -- "\n# zsh-bd\n. \$HOME/.zsh/plugins/bd/bd.zsh" >> $HOME/.zshrc

Restart your shell (or run zsh)

If you prefer antigen over manual installation

antigen-bundle Tarrasch/zsh-bd


$ mkdir -p a/b/c/d
$ cd a/b/c/d
$ bd b
$ ls
$ cd c/d
$ bd 2
$ ls

Here's an animation also showing the completion functionality

Animated gif


Thanks to @vigneshwaranr for inspiring me to do a zsh version.

Thanks to @voria for many useful patches! (see commit log)