Frontend React + Typescript + Vite + Redux + Redux ToolKit
Backend Node + TypeScript + Express + Mongoose + MongoDB
Changes I made in Backend
- I installed latest packages and install TypeScript for static typing, enhanced code maintainability, and better developer tooling.
- I used onion architecture for the separation of concerns
- Best Practices Applied and I updated the Project Structure
- I used SWC as a replacement transcompiler for babel so it will convert lower versions ECMA script into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript
- I added Docker so the code can run in any machine and the MongoDB can access without installing in local machine/
- I separated the routes, Interfaces, Model and Schema, database connection and controller for code readability
- I replaced body-parser with express.urlencode. We don't need to use separate package for it since it based on Node's body-parser
- I added Error Handling, Linting and Formatting, Environment Configuration, Docker Integration, SWC Compiler and Testing with Jest
- I added Prettier for code maintainability and readability
- I used base64 to decode and encode MongoDB Id for potential security issues. We usually don't expose ids when fetching, updating and deleting data so we need to encrypt it
- I replaced the _id to just id so the database can't be guessed by the hackers or other developers and to maintain the codebase standards.
- I added the tags as optional in UserProfile interface
Changes I made in Frontend
- I updated the Project Structure
- I used Vite for development server because it is faster and optimized
- I Linting and Formatting, Environment Configuration
- I added redux and redux and RTK (Redux ToolKit) for state management. Redux toolkit simplifies most Redux tasks and prevents common mistakes
- I added TailwindCSS (for styling) because it is a utility-first CSS framework packed with classes which I can directly add to React components/HTML elements
- I created 3 components for Task 1: User Profiles (UserProfileForm and UserProfileManagement) and Task 2: Data table (DataComponent) that can be found in components directory
- The first error I found in React App.tsx was the use of runningTotal
let runningTotal = 0;
- I totally removed it because the runningTotal inside the .reduce() cant reach the initialization. it is something releted to JavaScript Closure or Scope
const total = (() => {
let runningTotal = 0;
.map((item) => item.number)
.reduce((a, b) => {
runningTotal += b;
}, 0);
- The next one is I removed the setDataItems since it is currently not in used in the app and then I successfully run it
- I totally changed the form submission and table using react redux and redux toolkit which includes fetching from API and adding to API
- When it comes to Data table, I made it paginated since it is a long list (1000 items). I added paginaton and limit per page.
- I separated the total per page and the grand total (number column)
- I updated the search/filtering function
- I replaced the _id to just id so the database can't be guessed by the hackers or other developers and to maintain the codebase standards.
- I added the tags as optional in UserProfile interface
What I am showcasing here is a I can maintain and fix other codebase and I can create a full-stack application based on requirements with different tooling, environments and testing.
Note: Please Read inside subdirectories for best practices and features
Clone the repo:
$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd coding-test
Go to the backend directory and install the dependencies:
$ cd backend
$ npm install
Note: Disregard the error in husky (postinstall), that will run after the full install is finish. It is used for linting commit messages, running tests, linting code, etc... when committing or pushing code to repo
Go to the frontend directory and install the dependencies:
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
Make sure to copy the .env.example
or rename them to .env.development
or .env
in each sub directories (backend/frontend).
Note: Env files are not supposed to push in repo but for this case I used .env.example
and .env-example
to put the database URI
docker-compose up
If you dont want to run the docker or you don't have a docker you can use below command but you have to replace the MONGODB_URI with working or live Mongodb Database URI
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run build:tsc
npm run test
npm run lint
$ cd frontend
$ npm run dev
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run preview
You can connect to database using MongoDB Compass Community Edition in your local after running docker-compose up