
Image masking tool(s) possibly of Breton spiritual origin

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A tool for creating a binary mask given a FITS image


Installation from source, working directory where source is checked out

$ pip install .

This package is available on PYPI, allowing

$ pip install breizorro

To show help message and exit

$ breizorro --help

  breizorro.breizorro - 2022-08-24 11:07:39,311 INFO - Welcome to breizorro
  breizorro.breizorro - 2022-08-24 11:07:39,375 INFO - Version: 0.1.1
  breizorro.breizorro - 2022-08-24 11:07:39,375 INFO - Usage: breizorro --help
  usage: breizorro [-h] [-r IMAGE] [-m MASK] [-t THRESHOLD] [-b BOXSIZE]
                   [--savenoise] [--merge MASKs|REGs) [MASK(s|REGs) ...]]
                   [--subtract MASK(s|REGs) [MASK(s|REGs ...]]
                   [--number-islands] [--remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]]
                   [--extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]]
                   [--minimum-size MINSIZE] [--make-binary] [--invert]
                   [--dilate R] [--erode N] [--fill-holes] [--sum-peak SUM_PEAK]
                   [-o OUTFILE] [--gui]

  breizorro [options] --restored-image restored_image

  optional arguments:
       -h, --help            show this help message and exit
       -r IMAGE, --restored-image IMAGE
                             Restored image file from which to build mask
       -m MASK, --mask-image MASK
                             Input mask file(s). Either --restored-image or --mask-
                             image must be specfied.
       -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                             Sigma threshold for masking (default = 6.5)
       -b BOXSIZE, --boxsize BOXSIZE
                             Box size over which to compute stats (default = 50)
       --savenoise           Enable to export noise image as FITS file (default=do
                             not save noise image)
       --merge MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
                             Merge in one or more masks or region files
       --subtract MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
                             Subract one or more masks or region files
       --number-islands      Number the islands detected (default=do not number
       --remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
                             List of islands to remove from input mask. e.g.
                             --remove-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
                             If an island specified by coordinates does not exist,
                             do not throw an error
       --extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
                             List of islands to extract from input mask. e.g.
                             --extract-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
       --minimum-size MINSIZE
                             Remove islands that have areas fewer than or equal to
                             the specified number of pixels
       --make-binary         Replace all island numbers with 1
       --invert              Invert the mask
       --dilate R            Apply dilation with a radius of R pixels
       --erode N             Apply N iterations of erosion
       --fill-holes          Fill holes (i.e. entirely closed regions) in mask
       --sum-peak SUM_PEAK   Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original
                             image.e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a
                             ratio above 100
       -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                             Suffix for mask image (default based on input name
       --gui                 Open mask in gui.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see license for details.


Contributions are always welcome! Please ensure that you adhere to our coding standards pep8.