This is a 6 credits team project done by me and two of my fellow students.

Getting started

  • Install the project's requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt
    • We have used ddsp==0.5.1 but I just saw that version 0.10.0 has been published. Our code might work on that newer version but it is also possible that it will not be compatible.
    • Make sure to use the correct numba version because a too new version caused trouble for us. Might have been fixed in 0.10.0.

#Latest update:

  • Use the virtual environment - workdir(/project/oktoberfest/) for the environment setup using the latest librares for the project.
  • command: source workdir/bin/activate
  • To configure the virtual environment with jupyter notebooks: python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name==workdir
  • Prepare your Dataset as TFRecords:
  • Add in all you local paths in the script
  • Execute the script

Generating audio using Autoregressive model:

  • A dataset must be created using the latent variabls and the loudness and the fundamental frequency values. Dataset must be saved in a folder named saved_latent_spaces/.
  • The following command will create the dataset using a trained DDSP model and save it in the necessary location.
  • Then running the file using the command below will run the autoregresive model on the above dataset.
    $python3 --folder_name=tensorboard_folder
    The tensorboard information will be stored in a folder named tensorboard_folder
  • Finally, the functions in the utils folder can be used to generate audio using the trained model.