converts huggingface diffusers stablediffussion models to stablediffusion ckpt files usable in most opensource tools
- 0xdevaliasOpen to opportunities
- boyjunqiang
- cheesypy
- chicocolares
- ClashSANmamamomo
- CongYuSanXun
- DiceOwl
- EquinoxHZ
- ethan-jiang-1
- frapastique
- galexa
- grexzenWndrlnd
- hayashiTT
- hdu214
- htkim27Deeptext Lab, Yonsei University
- ideoscopic
- iserkanu
- Jay4242
- justinjohn0306
- kleczekr
- leo9960Aiotforest
- LimbicnationLimbicnation
- Lord-FEAR
- makoton27
- matin-nUnited States
- melchiarStoney Creek Wine Press
- Mizar999Germany
- nerdyrodentUK
- nikgrid7
- rasamaya3D Solutions
- scpediciniSpecular Realms LLC
- syddharthEarth
- wildermuthnUnited States
- zatt
- ZeroCool22Buenos Aires, Argentina
- zhaoyun0071