
API Fetching task to analyse developer's technical knowledge

Primary LanguageSwift


API Fetching task to analyse developer's technical knowledge

README This is the task to be completed.

What is this repository for? Create & review projects.

Version 1.0 Sun & Sand Sports

How do I get set up? Fetch and display the results for the current location

Configuration : iOS 11 & 10 Compatible (iPad support is optional)

Dependencies: Alamofire or any other Networking libraries of your choice.

How to run tests: Test cases are mandatory.

Deployment instructions: Complaint with simulator and device.

Instructions : Create a Free account to get the API key from : http://openweathermap.org/appid

Fetch the weather information for the city based on current location.

UI : Use graphical icons available from : https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons

UX: I'm attaching you a sample for the UX, it does not necceassrily have to be like the same, just a suggestion Contribution guidelines

Code review : Once done create a Pull request and add me as reviewer: ratzr15

Who do I talk to? Rathish Kannan rathish.k@sunandsandsports.com