
Rock-solid shell scripting

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

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This is where the code for the Ammonite project lives; Both:

If you want to learn more about Ammonite or how to use it, check out the links above, or ask on the Gitter Channel. The remainder of this document is developer-docs for people who want to work on the Ammonite source code itself.

Developer Docs

The layout of the repository is roughly:

  • ops/ is Ammonite-Ops
  • repl/ is Ammonite-REPL
  • shell/ is Ammonite-Shell
  • terminal/ is the JLine re-implementation used by Ammonite-REPL to provide syntax highlighting and multiline editing
  • readme/ is the source code for the Documentation, written in Scalatex.
  • modules/ is a synthetic project used for publishing, purely intended to exclude the readme

Common Commands

Manual Testing

Although most features should be unit tested, it's still useful to fire up a REPL from the current codebase to see things work (or not). There are a variety of shells you can spin up for testing different things:

  • sbt ~terminal/test:run is useful for manual testing the terminal interaction; it basically contains a minimal echo-anything terminal, with multiline input based on the count of open- and closed-parentheses. This lets you test all terminal interactions without all the complexity of the Scala compiler, classloaders, etc. that comes in repl/
  • sbt ~repl/test:run brings up the Ammonite-REPL using the source code in the repository, and automatically restarts it on-exit if you have made a change to the code. Useful for manual testing both of repl/ as well as ops/, since you can just import ammonite.ops._ and start using them. Note that this does not bring in filesystem utilities like the wd variable, cd! command.
  • sbt ~shell/test:run brings up a fully-loaded shell with all filesystem utilities included: wd, cd!, autocomplete for filesystem paths, and more. This uses readme/resources/example-predef.scala instead of your default predef, for easier experimentation and development.
  • sbt ~integration/test:run runs the trivial main method in the integration subproject, letting you manually test running Ammonite programmatically, whether through run or debug
  • sbt ~integration/test:console brings up a console in the integration subproject, loading Ammonite-REPL as a test console, as described in the readme. Similar to integration/test:run but useful for verifying the different classloader/execution environment we get by starting Ammonite inside the Scala REPL doesn't break things

Automated Testing

While working on a arbitrary xyz subproject, sbt ~xyz/test runs tests after every change. repl/test can be a bit slow because of the amount of code it compiles, so you may want to specify the test manually via repl/test-only -- ammonite.repl.TestObject.path.to.test.

  • ops/test tests the filesystem operations, without any REPL present
  • repl/test tests the Ammonite-REPL, without filesystem-shell integration.
  • terminal/test tests the readline re-implementation: keyboard navigation, shortcuts, editing, without any filesystem/scala-repl logic
  • shell/test tests the integration between the standalone ops/ and repl/ projects: features like cd!/wd, path-completion, ops-related pretty-printing and tools
  • integration/test kicks off the integration tests, which bundle repl/ and shell/ into their respective jars and invoke them as subprocesses. Somewhat slow, but exercises all the command-line-parsing stuff that the other unit tests do not exercise, and makes sure that everything works when run from .jars instead of loose class-files


  • git clean -xdf to make sure you're building from a clean project
  • Update the project/Constants.scala version number to the new version
  • sbt repl/assembly ++2.10.5 repl/assembly to bundle the REPL as a standalone distribution
  • sbt +published/publishLocal or sbt +published/publishSigned is used for publishing.
  • Create a new release on [https://github.com/lihaoyi/Ammonite/releases] and upload the two executables for 2.11.7 an 2.10.5, as well as the shell/src/main/resources/ammonite/shell/example-predef.scala file.
  • Create short URLs for the 2.11.7 executable download and the example-predef.scala file and the readme code in readme/Sample.scala to use these short URLs
  • sbt ~readme/run builds the documentation inside its target folder, which you can view by opening readme/target/scalatex/index.html in your browser.
  • git commit -am $VERSION with the new version number, and git tag $VERSION
  • git checkout gh-pages && cp -r readme/target/scalatex/* . && git add -A && git commit -am . && git push will deploy the generated documentation to Github Pages
  • Swap project/Constants.scala to $NEXT_VERSION-SNAPSHOT and commit it

Issue Tags

I've started tagging open issues in the issue tracker to try and keep things neat. This is what the various tags mean:

Each issue should only have one of these:

  • bug: this behavior clearly wrong, and needs to be fixed
  • enhancement: something relatively speccable, that can be worked on, finished, and will make Ammonite better
  • wishlist: could be totally awesome, but we're uncertain if it is worth doing at all, what it would look like, or if it will ever reach a "finished" state.

And possibly:

  • help wanted: I don't have context, hardware, or for some other reason am unlikely to ever do this. But I know people out there care, so one of you should step up and fix it.

Contribution Guidelines

  • All code PRs should come with: a meaningful description, inline-comments for important things, unit tests (positive and negative), and a green build in CI
  • Try to keep lines below 80 characters width, with a hard limit of 100 characters.
  • PRs for features should generally come with something added to the Documentation, so people can discover that it exists
  • Be prepared to discuss/argue-for your changes if you want them merged! You will probably need to refactor so your changes fit into the larger codebase
  • If your code is hard to unit test, and you don't want to unit test it, that's ok. But be prepared to argue why that's the case!
  • It's entirely possible your changes won't be merged, or will get ripped out later. This is also the case for my changes, as the Author!
  • Even a rejected/reverted PR is valuable! It helps explore the solution space, and know what works and what doesn't. For every line in the repo, at least three lines were tried, committed, and reverted/refactored, and more than 10 were tried without committing.
  • Feel free to send Proof-Of-Concept PRs that you don't intend to get merged.