PDF Report Generator Web Application


This project is a web application that allows users to generate PDF documents with custom content. Users can log in, fill out a form with data, and generate a PDF document based on the entered information. The application is built using React for the frontend and Django for the backend. It utilizes PostgreSQL as the database for storing user data, JWT for user authentication, and xhtml2pdf for generating PDFs.

Live URL

The live version of this application is available at https://report-generator-frontend.vercel.app/

Demo Credentials

username: admin

password: admin


User authentication with JWT
Form for entering data to generate PDF Report
Dynamic PDF generation based on user input
Downloadable PDF documents


Clone the repository.
Navigate to the backend directory and install the Django dependencies.

Backend Repo https://github.com/raufp6/report-generator

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up the PostgreSQL database and configure the database settings in .env. Migrate the database.

python manage.py migrate

Navigate to the frontend directory and install the React dependencies.

Add API URL in .env

VITE_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:8000/api/ VITE_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:8000/

npm install

Start the backend server.

python manage.py runserver

Start the frontend server.

    npm start