
Zabbix Notifications with graphs in Telegram

Primary LanguageShell


Zabbix Notifications with graphs in Telegram


  • graphs based on latest data are sent directly to your messenger
  • you can send them both in private and group chats
  • saves chatid as a temporary file


  • place zbxtg.sh to AlertScriptsPath directory
  • create tg_vars.cfg with your settings and save them
  • create bot in Telegram and get API key
  • create readonly user in Zabbix
  • set proxy host:port in curl exec
  • add new media for Telegram in Zabbix web interface
  • send something to your bot, e.g. "/start"
  • if you are in group chat, just mention it
  • create new action like this:

#### Annotations ``` zbxtg;graphs -- enables attached graphs zbxth;chat -- enables sending to group chats (default - set to 1-1 private chat) zbxtg;graphs_period=10800 -- set graphs period (default - 3600 seconds) zbxtg;itemid:{ITEM.ID1} -- define itemid (from trigger) for attach zbxtg;title:{HOST.HOST} - {TRIGGER.NAME} -- graph title ```

Known issues