
Lemon Log Web App. Django Full Stack. Bernarda, Darius, Daniel.

Primary LanguageHTML


Lemon Log

Lemon Log is a technology review site, where authors of the site can write and publish posts and users of the site can comment on articles. The site allows all users to view and explore home page and about page, but only logged in users (users with an account) can create, edit and delete their own comments.



These are the Home, reviews, and profile page:


Home: Home

Reviews: Reviews

Profile: Profile


Home Mobile: Home-Mobile

Reviews Mobile: Reviews Mobile

Comments Mobile(not visible initally on mobile, but available on desktop) Comments-Mobile

Profile Mobile: Profile-Mobile

Profile Comments Mobile: Mobile-Comments

Install Instructions

Fork and clone repo to your local computer. RUN python3 -m venv .env

THEN source .env/bin/activate pip3 install -r requirements.txt

After that

createdb lemonLog python3 manage.py migrate

You should now be able to run the project locally by using the command python3 manage.py runserver and opening localhost:8000 on your browser.

Technologies Used

  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • Django
  • CSS
  • Materialize
  • Uploadcare
  • VSCode
  • GitHub
  • Google Chrome Developer Tools

User Stories

The user stories were provided by the client and organized by sprints, see the user stories full description here.

This project covers the first 3 prints and the following bonuses:

Sprint 1: Basic Auth & Profiles Bonuses

A user should be able to:

  • See a "default" profile photo on their profile page before adding their own photo.
  • Update their profile photo via Uploadcare.
  • See their profile photo next to their posts.

Sprint 2: CRUD Bonuses:

A user should be able to:

  • Visit review pages via pretty urls, like "/reviews/iphone-x".
  • Visit user profile pages via pretty urls, like "/users/james".
  • On the homepage:
    • See review content truncated to 1000 characters max, with a link to view more.
    • See a relative published date, e.g. "2 days ago".

Sprint 3: Validations & Authorization Bonuses:

A user should be able to:

  • View an error message when form validations fail:
    • Content must not be empty.
  • See a list of review titles they've contributed comments to, on their public profile.
  • See the number of comments they've written for each review.

Data Models (ERD)



The following wireframe was created to supplement the the initial wireframes provided by the client.

Here is a photo of all of our wireframes for our mobile site Mobile

We ended up going with a slightly different different design in the end. Since we were using materialze, we were slighly less familar with accomplishing media queries. Instead of spending project time on that, we figured we would ensure that we could get to the other bonuses with functionality.

Profile Page

Profile Page

Major Hurdles

  • Adding a third party app as uploadcare to allow the user to upload photos to the profile was relatively easy but figuring out how to retrieve one photo from the database to display it in the profile and reviews/comments page required major debugging.
  • Figuring out how to create a responsive design with materialize.

Major Victories

  • Achieving full CRUD functionality.
  • Completing sprints on time in an orderly fashion.
  • Excellent communication & collaboration.
  • Never having substantial merge conflicts.
  • Establishing a solid design with Materialize.

Future Features

  • App would be fully responsive for very small mobiles and tablets.
  • users could message one another individually.
  • a sale tab that would allow users to buy/sell items on the site.
  • use AWS for deployment.