Astro + pnpm + prism Problem

For some reason, @astrojs/prism. I have a hunch that's related to prismjs vs how pnpm resolves the dependencies. Anyhow, this repository contains 3 projects:

  1. astro-npm -> created via npm create astro@latest with: TS + empty + @astrojs/prism + npm
  2. astro-pnpm -> created via pnpm create astro@latest with: TS + empty + @astrojs/prism + pnpm
  3. vanilla-prism -> created via pnpm create vite vanilla-prism --template vanilla with: vanilla JS + vanilla prismjs handling + pnpm

Projects 1 and 3 works just fine.

Project 2 throws the following error:

const components = require('../components.js');
const getLoader = require('../dependencies');

 * The set of all languages which have been loaded using the below function.
 * @type {Set<string>}
const loadedLanguages = new Set();

Getting started

Check the README for each project.