
Resource House & Personal Guide | CLRS

Primary LanguageJava

CLRS CLRS CLRS stargazers

- Accepting PRs only for the issue #1. Please do not send solution codes for any algorithms :)

About this Repository

A personal help-page for preparing Data Structures and Algorithms, focusing on the CLRS Book...

The /src directory is where the implementations of various algorithms are being added.

This README.md file is for listing data-structures and algorithms, not necessarily from the book.

Quick Peek

  1. Catalogue
  2. Resources
    1. Blogs
    2. Books
    3. Practice Sets
  3. Personal Roadmap
  4. Repo Utilities


Sl. Topic
1. ☑ Terminologies & Jargons
2. Insertion Sort
3. Merge Sort
4. Maximum Subarray Sum
5. Strassen's Algorithm
6. Randomized Algorithms
7. Heap Sort
8. Quick Sort
9. Counting Sort
10. Radix Sort
11. Bucket Sort
12. Stacks & Queues
13. Linked List
14. Hash Tables & Hashing
15. Binary Search Trees
16. ☐ Red Black Trees
17. ☐ AVL Trees
18. ☐ Order Statistics
19. ☐ Interval Trees
20. ☐ Rod Cutting
21. ☐ Matrix Chain Multiplication
22. ☐ Longest Common Subsequence
23. ☐ Optimal BST
24. ☐ The Activity Selection Problem
25. ☐ 0-1 Knapsack
26. ☐ Fractional Knapsack
27. ☐ Hoffman's code
28. ☐ Matroids
29. ☐ Dynamic Tables
30. ☐ B-Trees
31. ☐ Fibonacci Heaps
32. ☐ van Emde Boas Trees
33. ☐ Disjont Sets
34. ☐ Graph Representation
35. ☐ B.F.S
36. ☐ D.F.S
37. ☐ Topological Sort
38. ☐ Minimum Spanning Trees
39. ☐ Kruskal's Algorithm
40. ☐ Prim's Algorithm
41. ☐ Bellman-Ford's Algorithm
42. ☐ Djikstra's Algorithm
43. ☐ Floyd-Warshall's Algorithm
44. ☐ Johnson's Algorithm
45. ☐ Ford-Fullkerson's Algorithm
46. ☐ Maximum Bipartite
47. Multithreading Basics
48. ☐ Linear Equalities and LPP
49. ☐ The Simplex Algorithm
50. ☐ Fourier Transforms
51. ☐ G.C.D
52. ☐ Modular Arithmetic
53. ☐ Pollard's Rho Heuterics
54. ☐ Rabin Carp's Algorithm
55. ☐ Knuth-Morris-Pratt's Algoritm
56. ☐ Line Segments in Problem Solving
57. ☐ Convex Hull
58. ☐ Closest Pairs
59. ☐ NP - P Completeness
60. ☐ Hamiltonian Cycles
61. ☐ The Clique Problem
62. ☐ Vertex Cover
63. ☐ The Travelling Salesman Problem
64. ☐ Subset Sum
65. ☐ Bogo sort
66. ☐ Sieve_of_Eratosthenes
67. ☐ Bead sort
68. ☐ Bionic sort
69. ☐ BinaryInsertion sort
70. ☐ Comb sort
71. ☐ Cocktail sort
72. ☐ Cycle sort
73. ☐ Gnome sort
74. ☐ PigeonHole sort
75. ☐ Tim sort
76. ☐ Shell sort
77. ☐ Wave array
78. ☐ Trapping rainwater
79. ☐ LRU cache implementation
80. ☐ Path sum binary tree
81. ☐ Sliding window maximum
82. ☐ Invert binary tree
84. ☐ Climbing stairs problem
85. ☐ Trie tree
86. ☐ Fibonacci Search
87. ☐ Round Robin scheduling
88. ☐ Shortest-Job-First (SJF) Scheduling
89. ☐ Multilevel Queue Scheduling
90. ☐ Priority Scheduling

Solutions to the Exercises: Walkccc - Github


Resources - Blogs

  1. Awesome Compettive Programming
  2. GeeksForGeeks - Exhaustive List of Algorithms
  3. GeeksForGeeks - Exhaustive List of Data Structures
  4. GeeksForGeeks - Graph Algorithms
  5. Sameer Gulati's List
  6. DP - Codechef Help
  7. Curated by Codechef Community
  8. Curated by Codeforces Community
  9. Codechef Certification

Resources - Books

  1. Introduction to Algorithms
  2. Design and Analysis

Practice Sets

  1. CSES List
  2. A2OJ
  3. Ibraahim Saad

Personal Roadmap


  1. Preparation
  2. Practice

Repo Utilities

  1. Gitmoji
  2. Shields.io