manga list actualisation very very slow
borrougagnou opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello !
I updated the app but... how say...
it's terribly slow !!!!
Just for an update... it's about 6mins per manga ! I never see that before !
EDIT: and when I click on cancel in notification menu, he continu
RIP my 1sec per manga.
Seems like a problem with cfi in all servers except kissmanga I go to fix it
check last version
it fixed for some part but it's always slow... the scan for manga is slow...
and very slow for some manga... (~9min for 1 manga with only 3 chapter...)
IDK what kind of edit produce this slow thing, but I hope it's not related with this bug:
because if the problem come from here, the solution is:
reorganize the SQL file
create a "fix/reorganize manga list" in parameters who sort properly manga per manga; manga chapter per manga chapter
also with that you remove this bug and maybe improve the scan.
There is a problem looking for the update is very slow when you search for the manga if you can fix it is not my internet service I am using the latest app