*ES - Lector de Manga online / offline, gratuito y de código abierto. *EN - Manga reader online / offline, free and open source. *FR - Lecteur de manga en ligne / hors ligne, gratuit et open source. *DE - Eine App um Manga zu lesen. Man kann damit Manga online und offline lesen. Es ist kostenlos und quelloffen. *IT - Manga lettore online / offline, gratuito e open source. *RU - В России Манга читает вас. Попробуйте MiMangaNu прямо сейчас.
Pinned issues
- 0
Fix Kumanga
#751 opened by marrokin - 7
Japscan news, but... IDK how to fix that...
#740 opened by borrougagnou - 0
- 0
#749 opened by Cleopatra95 - 1
japscan ko
#734 opened by Vilsafur - 6
Error Loading Manga
#735 opened by oseiyaw - 1
Post on 4pda
#748 opened by KawaiiSelbst - 6
- 0
#747 opened by kindraniaz - 1
Olvidar clave de bóveda
#746 opened by Danielcastro502 - 0
Capitulos incompletos
#745 opened by Sergiolopez9 - 0
#744 opened by Gintokisakat - 1
Mangaeden failure connection
#742 opened by ilgra88 - 2
Tu manga online server extremely slow
#741 opened by Mtkmanjaro - 16
The app stopped working since yesterday
#739 opened - 0
Actualizar la versión del programa en F-droid
#738 opened by wuniversales - 0
Error opening the database
#737 opened by Mtkmanjaro - 2
Kissmanga error
#729 opened by Furanbelius - 2
- 16
F-Droid can't build - unknown maven repos
#713 opened by licaon-kter - 13
Japscan access is KO
#712 opened by Whydraz - 3
Problema cuando marcas como leído o no leído//Bug when you mark as read or unread
#731 opened by Zaissei - 2
[Request] Add mangakakalot.com
#704 opened by juh9870 - 2
Que los mangas vallan a la tarjeta cd
#732 opened by Danielcastro502 - 3
#720 opened by kindraniaz - 1
bug busqueda de nuevos capitulos manualmente
#728 opened by J0TTAp - 3
- 1
Cambio en TMO Captcha / Change in TMO Captcha
#725 opened by Alukrad - 0
ReadMangaToday only showing 3 pages
#724 opened by antel1904 - 4
API Detectando mal la cantidad de paginas
#721 opened by xmithosx - 0
La carga de los capítulos se cae constantemente mente y algunas páginas no se cargan, es solo a mí o también le pasa a USD?
#719 opened by Danielcastro502 - 3
Downloading mint manga doesn't work
#716 opened by Zhbert - 1
Pasar mangas de a otro dispositivo
#717 opened by Danielcastro502 - 3
- 5
How can i help with Russian translation?
#707 opened by sprainbrains - 1
[Request] Delete all pictures option
#714 opened by AtomicRobotics - 1
Que puedo hacer si olvido el nombre de una boveda?
#718 opened by Josking28 - 4
manga list actualisation very very slow
#708 opened by borrougagnou - 1
[Request] Añadir visualización de Fansubs a TMO
#715 opened by Mariolr93 - 2
No aparecen todos los mangas en la búsqueda
#710 opened by Nathancr87 - 4
Pages load infinitely
#711 opened by SworderZ - 1
Descarga de otro manga
#709 opened by Sotom98 - 9
Error en ver manga todos los servidores
#705 opened by DinoInmortal - 1
HeavenManga Issue
#701 opened - 1
No descarga contenido
#706 opened by Antonio-TTD - 1
No carga ninguna página de manga
#703 opened by Josking28 - 2
"New" on Latest Chaps. on MangaTown
#700 opened by Hae14 - 3
Japscan server is unplugged
#699 opened by Whydraz - 2
Unable to make any screenshot while using MiMangaNu
#698 opened by darioZIP - 1
Imagen no encontrada
#697 opened by Danielcastro502