
A set of IPython notebooks and learning resources for an Introduction to Programming class, focusing on Python.

MIT LicenseMIT

A collection of IPython Notebooks for teaching Python.

Here is the index page, as students see the notebooks, and the course syllabus. Goals:

  • Introduce students as quickly as possible to the basics of programming, and then help them choose an interesting project that they are capable of completing.
  • Introduce best practice as early as possible, while remaining accessible to students with zero background in programming.


On an Ubuntu system:

Clone this repository into a local directory

$ git clone https://github.com/ehmatthes/intro_programming

Install IPython Notebook

$ sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook

Open the notebooks locally:

$ cd intro_programming/notebooks
$ ipython notebook

This will open a browser, and you can click on the notebook you'd like to edit.

There may be a bit more involved in a full setup, depending on which versions of Python you have on your system, but that will get you up and running. If you have any questions about getting the project running locally, drop a note in Issue 11, or get in touch with me directly. I can be reached by email, ehmatthes at gmail, or on twitter @ehmatthes.

Thanks for looking!