
Discord bot that summarizes all message activity from specified channels for daily digests

Primary LanguageRust

Daily Discord Summarizer

This PR implements a bot that listens for public Discord messages in a server and performs summaries of all of them using chat GPT-4. It also exposes an HTTP JSON API that allows for reading these daily digests from a sqlite database.

How it Works

  • The bot listens for all messages sent in a Discord server, and aggregates them locally
  • Once the total amount of content in the messages hits a threshold, it summaries them using GPT-4 and stores these summaries in a DB
  • At a configurable interval, it takes all the summaries and produces a total summary of them, called a digest. This can be configured to run daily to produce daily digests of what's happening in a Discord server



  • Rust 1.74.0
  • OpenSSL libraries: libssl-dev
  • OPEN_AI_SECRET env var: Open AI API key
  • DISCORD_BOT_SECRET env var: Discord bot secret key with "read messages permissions"

On linux, also:

  • clang
  • pkg-config
  • build-essential
  • libssl-dev
  • curl
  • git


Edit the cargo.toml file with the following values:

url = "db.sqlite" # your sqlite database url

# How often to create a single digest summary of all summaries
produce_digest_interval_seconds = 10800 # Default of every 3 hours
# Where to store message logs, ensure this dir exists
message_log_directory = "messages"
# Http api port
port = 3000
# Http api host
host = ""
# Number of max request tokens in chat gpt api calls. The max allowed by GPT-4 is 4096
# including the response tokens. So here, we want to leave room for the response
max_gpt_request_tokens = 2048

You can use a .env file to store your Open AI and Discord bot secrets, or set them as env vars before running.



mkdir messages && cargo build --release and then:



Summaries are available via an HTTP JSON API on port 3000 by default:

  • /summaries retrieves all summaries created by chat GPT-4
  • /daily_digests retrieves all digests from the database, along with all their associated summaries


This project is licensed under either of

  • Apache License, Version 2.0 (licenses/Apache-2.0)
  • MIT license (licenses/MIT)

at your option.

The SPDX license identifier for this project is MIT OR Apache-2.0.