git clone
cd fevm-hardhat-kit
yarn install
You can get a private key from a wallet provider such as Metamask.
export PRIVATE_KEY='abcdef'
If you use a .env file, don't commit and push any changes to .env files that may contain sensitive information, such as a private key! If this information reaches a public GitHub repository, someone can use it to check if you have any Mainnet funds in that wallet address, and steal them!
Run this command:
yarn hardhat get-address
The will show you the ethereum-style address associated with that private key and the filecoin-style f4 address (also known as t4 address on testnets)! The Ethereum address can now be exclusively used for almost all FEVM tools, including the faucet.
Go to the Hyperspace testnet faucet, and paste in the Ethereum address from the previous step. This will send some hyperspace testnet FIL to the account.
yarn hardhat deploy