Hell Scripts FW is a web page for learning purposes built at classroom using PHP7, AngularJS, MVC, SQL, Apache, a PHP Object Oriented Framework to manage objects from the database, an external login API and an internal API based on authentication and permissions to resources.
- Home
- Projects
- Profile
- Contact
- Users -- Login -- Register
- Cart
Hell Scripts FW uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- PHP7
- Bootstrap
- AngularJS - v1.4.9
PAGE | Features |
Home | Search, pager, list/details, autoredirect, |
Projects | Datatable, CRUD, DELETE ALL, get projects owned by the user, the user can also create his projects, admin features |
Login | Register, login, logout, encrypt password, avatar, token based auth, recover password, toastr, Social Login Auth0 PHP, Social logout, activation email |
Contact | Send email (mailgun) |
Profile | User info, dependent dropdown, dropzone, projects created by the user |
Cart | Add in home,list and details, increase and decrease, checkout |
PHP Framework | 2 user tables, clean controllers, classes with extends, yml, user authorized, autoload, ORM, pretty URLs |
You will need a LAMP server with Apache, PHP 7, and MySQL. You can use this tutorial.
Then you should change the configuration of on the file /backend/includes/constants.php to match your system configuration.
You can also change the SQL configuration on the /backend/models/Connection.class.php file.
Finally you should create the tables located on the /backend/mwb/hellscripts.mwb file (You will need to open it using MySql Workbench)
This project uses a resource-based authentication generic API that enables different types of users to have different types of permissions on the diferent resources of the app.