Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift
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Privacy Manifest
#221 opened by ppluskota - 0
placeholder. floating not working proper
#219 opened by kumailkhan123 - 0
Issue with placeholder in iOS 15
#218 opened by vasanthanpremj - 2
Placeholder not returning to original position.
#205 opened by Pulkit2017 - 1
ailed to set (borderActiveColor) user defined inspected property on (TextFieldEffects.YokoTextField) this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key borderActiveColor.
#211 opened by FahadAlMutairi5 - 1
It is not working on black background for view and white background for textfield
#210 opened by raghavnaphade16 - 2
TextField overlap rightview
#212 opened by sasikumarperumal - 3
Use of .fontName deprecated in Xcode 11
#207 opened by wfgilman - 2
Round Corner on Akira
#214 opened by CQuerido - 0
Issue with some Fonts
#216 opened by ag-drivequant - 0
- 1
Issue in KaedeTextField Effect.
#204 opened by Tagsahil - 11
Placeholder label text not changing
#200 opened by tusharMistri - 4
- 5
Module compiled with Swift 5.1.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.2 compiler
#202 opened by DieGlueckswurst - 3
- 14
- 1
Clear-Button is not being displayed
#197 opened by DieGlueckswurst - 9
Change Placeholder to attributed font
#195 opened by rp9994 - 11
- 3
- 5
iOS 13 placeholder font for HoshiTextField
#189 opened by StarWars - 0
Set color error
#193 opened by brunotelo - 2
iOS 13 Font Fixes
#190 opened by erenozkul - 2
- 0
- 3
Should also work for UITextView, so that it can work for address fileds?
#181 opened by yogendrakarekar - 2
HoshiTextField palce holder can't change padding and it not in right place
#182 opened by mohamadhero15 - 2
borders not showing
#180 opened by D-Ordnance - 5
HoshiTextField not getting padding.
#150 opened by neeraj92144 - 2
Hoshi TextField iOS 12 doesn't work perfectly
#159 opened by AlbertWu0212 - 3
Please add support for latest swift 4.0 - 4.2
#177 opened by TextField123 - 15
The Kaede sliding text over shoots the constraints on the first tap then after that it returns to bounds.
#175 opened by johnlietzke - 1
- 7
Getting error in swift 4.2
#171 opened by NStreet8579 - 0
Expand Click Area for HoshiTextField
#173 opened by fcoskun - 2
effects not working at right time
#167 opened by SK000001 - 53
Not working in xCode10
#162 opened by Smiller193 - 1
- 2
Autocomplete error
#168 opened by nacho1309 - 3
iOS12 auto fill
#164 opened by liuhaoeee - 2
Text show over clearbutton - swift
#160 opened by SamboVisal - 1
keyboard not working in its TextField Xcode 10
#161 opened by dbspez - 9
Required Code Signature Missing?
#152 opened by MenuHunt - 3
use programmatically in StackViews?
#158 opened by otbox21 - 4
- 1
attributed text holder
#156 opened by rami965 - 11
swift 4.2 ?
#155 opened by MohmmadSawalha-ios - 2
placeholderColor does not work
#154 opened by jameel-et - 4
half the effects don't work, better documentation
#151 opened by Nathan187