Dungeon Battle is an RPG Battle Game. The user gets to select from one of THREE combatant classes, and battle scary Dungeon monsters. Who will win?
This is a web-based game. a modern web browser that supports HTML5 and CSS is required.
User Stories:
As a User, I should be able to identify and select one of three combatant classes: Mage, Crusader or Witch Doctor
As a User, I should be able to see who my combatant is battling
As a User, I should be able to attack my opponent
As a User, I should be able to see my attack damage reflected on my opponents' stats, and Vice/Versa
As a User, I should be able to see whose turn it is (Mine vs Computer)
As a User, I should know who won
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.