
Decidim container for OpenShift, SMTP mail working, all decidim modules installed, oauth support

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Decidim on Docker

You'll find here the files used to build my Docker image for decidim, free Open-Source participatory democracy for cities and organizations.


  • All official decidim modules installed

including optional decidim-consultations and decidim-initiatives

  • Able to run as non root user (must be root group), so works in OKD, or OpenShift, Kubernetes
  • Latest decidim version (check tags)
  • OAuth (Facebook, Twitter, Google, CAS) support
  • Ability to run your init scripts before starting the server

How does it work ?

You can use the provided docker-compose.yml file to see how the container works. Make sure to set the env var RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES to true and the RAILS_ENV to production !

This image exposes port 3000 (no ssl, you have to provide SSL by yourself with a reverse proxy), and has two volumes /decidim-app/config and /decidim-app/public/uploads. You can simply edit your config inside your container and restart it in order to take effect.


You may experience troubles with the config folder (/decidim-app/config) permissions, but this can be resolved by manually populating the volume (must be done only once).

  1. Deploy it without attaching volumes. Copy the content of config folder on your personnal computer (by using oc) like oc rsync decidim-prod-8-k94qd:/decidim-app/config/ config-decidim/
  2. Create a volume, and copy back the data you downloaded inside this volume. You have two ways : T
    • The openshift way : create a simple pod (webserver or anaything you want), attach this volume to it and copy back using oc.
    • The hard copy / scp way : connect directly to the machine hosting the data and copy the data of the config folder. Make sure the group and user are both root (0).
  3. Attach this volume to the pod and redeploy !

After deployment

  1. You can create an admin from the terminal
bin/rails console
> email = "test@email.com"
> password = "mystrongpassword"
> user = Decidim::System::Admin.new(email: email, password: password, password_confirmation: password)
> user.save!
  1. You can configure it as you wish ! The decidim doc about installation and configuration is very complete.


ERROR Access denied at boot of container

Make sure all the config volume of decidim is owned by the user running in the container (10520 in the docker-compose example). To be sure, run

sudo chown -R 10520 /var/lib/docker/volumes/decidim-nonroot_decidim-config/_data

I don't have any assets (css, js, ...) served !

Make sure the decidim container has the env var RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES set to true and the RAILS_ENV set to production

More info about the image

You can check my DockerHub repo.


I am Ivann LARUELLE, engineering student in Networks & Telecommunications at the Université de Technologie de Troyes in France, which is a public engineering university.

This tool was made for the students, as I am a student representative, and in collaboration with the UTT Net Group, an non profit organization which aims to provide IT Service to all UTT students and student organizations.

Contact me for any issue : ivann[at]laruelle.me
