
Data workflows for the numer.ai machine learning competition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Data workflows for the numer.ai machine learning competition


Currently implemented:

  • fetch and extract the datasets
  • train and predict
  • automatic upload

Task Documentation


Fetches the dataset zipfile and extracts the contents to output-path.


  • output-path: where the datasets should be saved eventually (defaults to ./data/)
  • dataset-path: URI of the remote dataset


Trains a Bernoulli Naïve Bayes classifier and predicts the targets. Output file is saved at output-path with a custom, timestamped file name.


  • output-path: where the datasets should be saved eventually (defaults to ./data/)
  • dataset-path: URI of the remote dataset


Uploads the predictions of not already uploaded.


  • output-path: where the datasets should be saved eventually (defaults to ./data/)
  • dataset-path: URI of the remote dataset
  • usermail: user email
  • userpass: user password
  • filepath: path to the file ought to be uploaded


Prepare the project:

pip install -r requirements.txt --ignore-installed

If not alread done create an API key here with at least the following permissions:

  • Upload submissions.
  • View historical submission info.
  • View user info, (e.g. balance, withdrawal history)

To run the complete pipeline:

env PYTHONPATH='.' luigi --local-scheduler --module workflow Workflow --secret="YOURSECRET" --public-id="YOURPUBLICID"