Minimal React project

Trying out the examples online:

Installing the examples on your computer

  • Download and install Node.js (this also installs the npm package manager).
  • Install the npm packages that this repository depends on:
    cd minimal-react
    npm install

Running the examples locally

  • Start the development server:
    cd minimal-react
    npm start
  • The dev server prints root URLs to the console, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/
    • Open one of them in a web browser.
  • The browser tab is refreshed automatically when you change either HTML or JavaScript code.

Building the examples

You can also create a stand-alone version of this web app that doesn’t need the development server to run:

npm run build

Afterwards, the complete web app is in directory minimal-react/build, ready to be deployed.

Technologies used in this project

This is an exhaustive list of dependencies: