
Simple component that applies a scroll-derived progress bar to a given page - horizontal or vertical scrolling

Primary LanguageVue


A simple component that provides a vertical or horizontal bar to track scroll progress for a given page.

Scroll progress can either be for horizontal or vertical scrolling.


npm i vue-page-progress


Global Registration

// main.js
import VuePageProgress from 'vue-page-progress'

Vue.component('VuePageProgress', VuePageProgress)
// in your component
    <VuePageProgress />

Or Register And Use In A Component

    <VuePageProgress />

import VuePageProgress from "vue-page-progress";
export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {

Props (all optional)

Property Type Default Prop Description
meterSize String 3px The size of the progress bar fill
colour String #61E2CF The colour of the progress bar fill
scrollDirection String "vertical" Corresponds to whether or not the scroll progress meter should fill based on horizontal or vertical scrolling
barPosition String "top" The position of the progress bar - can be either top, right, bottom or left