Intended for hackathons and mvp. You can easily start from here. Almost no config required. You can also start from here to learn javascript and it's whole community. React part is borrowed from here. So yeah code the fuck out.
- For react frontend, change files in "frontend/src" folder.
- Then run "npm run prod" in "frontend" folder
- For python/backend, change file backend/
- It auto updates itself.
- If changes are not reflected
- Fresh file is not being served to browser
- One reason could be your new js couldn't compile. Soln:- Edit and Recompile
- You have closed js hot reload process aka "npm run prod". Soln :- Run the command again
- You browser is not loading new js. Soln :- ctrl+shift+r
- Browse
- Install python and flask.
- Install npm. What you can do is go here, download and extract it. And update path variable in bashrc. Source bashrc. Also set proxy
- Then go to frontend folder and run
- npm install
- npm run prod
- "npm run prod" will create a file called bundle.js in frontend/dist. Check this.
- Go to backend folder. Then run python