Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram generator for Solidity contracts.
The following installation assumes Node.js has already been installed which comes with Node Package Manager (NPM).
To install globally so you can run sol2uml
from anywhere
npm link sol2uml --only=production
To see the usage options
$ sol2uml -h
Usage: sol2uml [options] <file or root folder>
Generates UML diagrams from Solidity source code
-v, --verbose With debugging statements
-f, --outputFormat [value] Output file format: svg, png, dot or all (default: "svg")
-n, --outputFileName [value] Output file name
-c, --clusterFolders Cluster contracts into source folders
-h, --help output usage information
To generate the test contracts in this repo
$ sol2uml ./contracts
To generate a SVG diagram of all Solidity files under some root folder and output the svg file to a specific location
$ sol2uml path/to/contracts/root/folder -n ./outputFile.svg
To generate a diagram of all contracts in a single Solidity file, the output file in png format to output file ./someFile.png
$ sol2uml path/to/contracts/root/folder/solidity/file.sol -f png -n ./someFile.png
To generate SVG and PNG diagrams of all Solidity files under some root folder. The output will be diagram.svg
and diagram.png
files in the working folder.
$ sol2uml ./contracts -f all -v
Open Zeppelin's ERC20 token contracts
Generated from version 2.3.0
See examples for more diagrams.
Good online resources for learning UML
A Solidity variable becomes an attribute in UML and a Solidity function becomes an operation in UML.
- Interface
- Abstract - if any of the contract's functions are abstract, the class will have an Abstract stereotype. Child contracts of abstract contracts that do not implement all the abstract functions are currently not marked as Abstract.
- Library
- event
- modifier
- abstract - is there is no function body on a contract, the operator is marked as abstract. Operators on an Interface do not have an abstract stereotype as all operators are abstract.
- fallback - abstract fallback functions will just have an abstract stereotype.
- payable - payable fallback functions will just have a fallback stereotype.
- Solid lines are used to link the contract types of storage (state) variables. This can be linked to contracts, interfaces or libraries.
- Solid lines are also used for generalisations of contracts and abstract contracts.
- Solid lines are also used for aggregated structs and enums
- Dashed lines are used or generalisations of interfaces.
- Dash lines are also used for types of memory variables.
- An empty triangle head is used for generalisations of contracts, interfaces and abstract contracts.
- An open arrow head is used for storage or memory variable dependencies
- A diamond tail is used for aggregations of structs and enums
This is a rewrite of the Richard Ramos's solidity-diagram-gen tool which no longer works as it uses solidity-parser which cannot handle newer Solidity syntax like constructor
This version uses the solidity-parser-antlr Solidity parser which is built on top of ANTLR4 grammar. The logic to generate the dot syntax has been rewritten and different UML syntax is now used.
The diagrams are generated using viz.js which uses Graphviz to render a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file. Graphviz Online allows dot files to be edited and rendered into a SVN dynamically.
- Document UML syntax
- Option to specify a list of contracts to generate along with their dependencies. This was not all contracts in dependent libraries like Open Zeppelin need to be generated.
- Portrait output mode
- Add indicator for state mutability. eg view and pure functions