
Additional support for k8s not implemented in StackState k8s default integration

Primary LanguageGo

StackState Kubernetes Extension Integration

StackState is full-stack observability platform with tons of extension and integration possibilities.

Out of the box StackState supports majority of Kubernetes resources, but not all. This integration attempts to fill the gaps with the default StackState implementation. Overtime more functionality will be added as needed.

Additional resources supported,

  • storage.k8s.io/v1/StorageClass

Helm Deployment

Setup a basic values.yaml containing connectivity information about your StackState instance.

serverUrl:  https://xxxx.    # Suse Observability Url
apiKey: xxx                  # Suse Observability Api Key
clusterName: lab             # Cluster name as defined for the Kubernetes StackPack instance in Suse Observability

Then run the following Helm commands,

helm repo add sts-ext https://ravan.github.io/helm-charts
helm upgrade --install --namespace stackstate-extensions --create-namespace -f values.yaml sts sts-ext/stackstate-k8s-ext                            


Environment variables

Environment variables can be used to set up the scanner.

Variable Required Default Description
STACKSTATE_API_URL yes The url to the StackState server
STACKSTATE_API_KEY yes The api key used by the StackState server
KUBERNETES_KUBECONFIG no ~/.kube/config KubeConfig file to use to connect to K8s
KUBERNETES_IN_CLUSTER no false Use in cluster K8s connection
KUBERNETES_CLUSTER yes Kubernetes Cluster name as defined in StackState
INSTANCE_TYPE yes k8s-ext The Custom Syn StackPack instance type.
INSTANCE_URL yes The Custom Syn StackPack instance url

Config File

Configuration could also be in a yaml file. The location of the config file can be set in the CONFIG_FILEenvironment variable

  api_url: "https://xxx.stackstate.io"
  api_key: "5385xxxx"
  cluster: retailstore
  in_cluster: false
  kubeconfig: ./kubeconfig

  type: crd
  url: retailstore



Setup environment variables

Set up a .env file for configuring the env.

USER="<my dockerhub user name>"
PWD="<my dockerhub password>"


task docker-build


task docker-push