🚦 Fixed window rate limiting middleware for GraphQL. Use to limit repeated requests to queries and mutations.
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Dependency Dashboard
#243 opened by renovate - 2
- 1
- 5
[QUESTION]: Reset attempts
#370 opened by simplecommerce - 5
[QUESTION]: Limit based on resolver response
#371 opened by simplecommerce - 7
Using rate limiting with graphQL loadSchemaSync
#354 opened by joaogsousa - 1
Update @graphql-tools/utils to v10
#339 opened by maxpain - 7
Redis example doesn't compile in TypeScript
#280 opened by maxpain - 1
Update @graphql-tools/utils to v9
#317 opened by maxpain - 2
about rate-limit headers in response
#302 opened by chenrui333 - 2
Question: How are the rate limits applied?
#303 opened by adavis - 9
- 2
How is it possible to integrate with the apollo/gateway in a federated graph?
#230 opened by sbilello - 5
Include rate limit data in the default response?
#276 opened by adavis - 1
Move graphql to peer dependencies
#281 opened by maxpain - 2
Will this work with the new @neo4j/graphql library?
#268 opened by tirth0 - 10
Rate limit not working
#236 opened by joshbenaron - 1
Upgrade dependency
#260 opened by unfernandito - 2
graphql-rate-limit 1.3.0 upgrade issue
#234 opened by chenrui333 - 5
[QUESTION]: Is this production ready?
#229 opened by simplecommerce - 3
- 2
Feat: Re-use flexible-rate-limit class instance
#214 opened by intellix - 3
Redis offline queue
#202 opened by mccraveiro - 1
- 2
skip / filter
#113 opened by elrumordelaluz - 1
Support for async key generators
#78 opened by yunyu - 6
[Question] Fixed size time window vs. Query cost/complexity validation
#48 opened by FluorescentHallucinogen - 2