
My Forex algotrading platform in Python - based on my posts at http://jon.io

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is the code for the Forex algotrading platform I am building on http://jon.io. Go there and read the posts!

Feel free to pull and submit any patches you like


Open runner.py and put your own OANDA_ACCESS_TOKEN and OANDA_ACCOUNT_ID. Read http://jon.io/forex-brokers.html on how to get those or the documentation in Oanda.

Now let's create a virtualevn in order to install any dependancies:

virtualenv /tmp/falgo

Let's activate the env

source /tmp/falgo/bin/activate

Switch to the directory

cd falgo

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start it up!

python runner.py

Running Machine Learning

First of all, download some data to play around or unzip and use the dataset in data/sample.csv.zip. This contains data for EURUSD for 2014 and a couple of months for 2015.

Then run the ml.py

python ml.py data/sample.csv

When the algorithm completes, start a python webserver

python3 -m http.server 8000

and open your browser to

For any questions, ping me on twitter @jonromero or http://jon.io