
A sample application using react redux and aws cognito

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Has a ton of server + client implementation using following technologies:

  1. Node JS
  2. Express JS
  3. Socket IO
  4. React
  5. Redux
  6. Amazon AWS Cognito
Other notable achievements

I built a socket io based client to server communication system using a middleware architecture. This can be used to authenticate user requests for every socket io call using Cognito for reference.

  1. node version > 10.1.x
  2. Create secret.json in the root folder of this application with following data
  "amazon_aws_cognito": {
    "region": "",
    "UserPoolId": "",
    "ClientId": ""

Make sure to update the above configuration with your AWS Cognito account settings.

npm i
Steps to run
npm start

Then navigate to:


We can easily run this on https with a few line change in bin/www.