
Github OAuth2 Provider for Ravel

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ravel AuthorizationProvider for Github OAuth2

Example usage:


const app = new require('ravel')();
const GitHubProvider = require('ravel-github-oauth2-provider');
new GitHubProvider(app);
// ... other providers and parameters
// ... the rest of your Ravel app


Requiring the ravel-github-oauth2-provider module will register configuration parameters with Ravel which must be supplied via .ravelrc or app.set():


  "github auth callback url" : "http://localhost:8080",
  "github auth path": "/auth/github",
  "github auth callback path": "/auth/github/callback",
  "github client id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
  "github client secret" : "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
  "github scope": "optional comma-separated list of scopes here"

Note that github auth callback url should be the external url for your application. Only change github auth path and github auth callback path if those routes collide with your application - otherwise they will receive the given default values.

You'll also need to implement an @authconfig module like this:


'use strict';

const Ravel = require('ravel');
const inject = Ravel.inject;
const Module = Ravel.Module;
const authconfig = Module.authconfig;

class AuthConfig extends Module {
  constructor(userProfiles) {
    this.userProfiles = userProfiles;
  serializeUser(profile) {
    // serialize profile to session using the id field
    return Promise.resolve(profile.id);
  deserializeUser(id) {
    // retrieve profile from database using id from session
    return this.userProfiles.getProfile(id);
  verify(providerName, ...args) {
    if (providerName === 'github-oauth2') {
      const accessToken = args[0];
      const refreshToken = args[1];
      const profile = args[2];
      // TODO something more complex, such as using/storing tokens
      return Promise.resolve(profile);

module.exports = AuthConfig;