
Simple music player app from a tutorial by Brocodes on Youtube

Primary LanguageJava


A very simple application for playing music based on a tutorial from BroCodes on YouTube (link in the resources section).

Table of contents


While working on projects for my Java Programming 2 course, I noticed that the assignments were using the now deprecated javac classes to render the application. In an attempt to understand why they were deprecated, I came across JavaFX. This project allowed me to learn the basics of JavaFX, including what was similar to the javac library and what was not.

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Basic playlist controls
    • Play a song
    • Pause the song
    • Reset the song to the beginning
    • Change to the previous song
    • Skip to the next song
  • Adjust the speed of playback
  • Adjust the volume


To be added

My process

Built with

  • Java
  • JavaFX
    • XML
    • CSS3

What I learned

I got a refresh on the syntax of CSS, learned XML, and how it was used in JavaFX through FXML.

Continued development

I would like to add more functionality, such as the ability to select music from a source, some sort of visualizer, and a toggleable playlist.

Useful resources
