
multi-networkpolicy provides network policy functionality for network attachment definition

Current Status of the Repository

It is now actively developping hence not stable yet. Bug report and feature request are welcome.


Kubernetes provides Network Policies for network security. Currently net-attach-def does not support Network Policies because net-attach-def is CRD, user defined resources, outside of Kubernetes. multi-network policy implements Network Policiy functionality for net-attach-def, by iptables and provies network security for net-attach-def networks.

How it Works

multi-networkpolicy consists from two components, CRD and daemonset.

Macvlan Network Policy CRD

It provides new CRD for Network Policy, MacvlanNetworkPolicy, to prevent it from conflicting with Kubernetes network policy. Hence user can implement different network policy for net-attach-def from Kubernetes network policy. MacvlanNetworkPolicy is same scheme from NetworkPolicy (apiVersion:, so nothing is different.

MacvlanNetworkPolicy DaemonSet

MacvlanNetworkPolicy creates DaemonSet and it runs multi-network-policy-node for each node. multi-network-policy-node watches MacvlanNetworkPolicy object and creates iptables rules into 'pod's network namespace', not container host and the iptables rules filters packets to interface, based on MultiNetworkPolicy.


$ git clone
$ cd multi-networkpolicy
$ kubectl create -f scheme.yml created
$ kubectl create -f deploy.yml created created
serviceaccount/multi-networkpolicy created
daemonset.apps/multi-networkpolicy-ds-amd64 created




  • Alternative packet processing other than iptables (e.g. xdp)

Contact Us

For any questions about multi-networkpolicy, feel free to ask a question in #k8s-npwg-discussion in the Intel-Corp Slack, or open up a GitHub issue.