
Messanger bot for fetching cryptocurreny price based on coin name or coin ID.

Primary LanguageElixir


To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Extra configuration

To run this bot, you need to create a facebook page and link that page to the messanger bot. In the process, you will also need FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN to make requests to facebook endpoints to receive messanges and postback requests. Login as developer to know more about messanger bot.


This project has been deployed on digitalocean ubuntu 20.04 server. It uses distillery to build releases and edeliver to deploy and manage package on reomte host.

  • Make sure to add distillery and edeliver in mix.exs
  • Next, run mix distillery.init to create release config file which app versions and runtime tools for creating release bundle.
  • Next, create .deliver/config bash file for adding app and host information about the remote server where application release will be hosted
  • We also need to add some additional pre and post scripts to manage npm packages, static assets and their compression using phx.digest, clean earlier releases.

Deployment commands are listed below:-

  • mix edeliver build release --verbose # creates release on build_host
  • mix edeliver deploy release to production # pushes release to production
  • mix edeliver start production # starts the production server with new release
  • mix edeliver migrate production # pushes postgreSQL tables to production server
  • mix edeliver ping production # pings production server for pong
few other important commands are
  • mix edeliver restart production # for restarting production server
  • mix edeliver stop production # to stop production server
  • mix edeliver upgrade production # to upgrade app version on production server

Deployment on fly.io platform

I have also tries deplying it on fly.io platform which provides one line deployment script using docker.

  • fly launch # for deployment
  • fly deploy # for pushing updates later on

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