
Tilting Text Entry on the BBC Mircobit

Primary LanguagePython

Tilting Text Entry on the BBC micro:bit

Tilting Text Entry on the BBC mirco:bit by Neil Rickus @computingchamps

Program uses the BBC micro:bit's accelerometer to allow the entry of text, which can subsequently scroll across the screen. View the program in action here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B7N6C-dkW8

Tilt the micro:bit right to move up through the alphabet, or left to move down through the alphabet. Spaces for separating letters / words can be found at the start and the end of the alphabet.

Press button A when the letter (or space) you want to enter is displayed. A happy face will acknowledge the button press.

On your final letter, hold (not press) button A to add the letter, then press button B to finish entering text. A heart will acknowledge the button press and your text will scroll across the display continuously.

Possible enhancements:

  • Tilting the device further left or right increases the speed the letters are displayed
  • Button B can be used to add spaces, with buttons A and B together completing text entry
  • Add audio acknowledgements on button press
  • While text is scrolling, the A / B buttons could slow down / speed up the scrolling rate
  • Allow emojis to be entered
  • The entered text could be sent out via email or Twitter (maybe!)

Let me know what you think! @computingchamps on Twitter