Compfest Software Engineering Assignment III

Primary LanguageJava


  1. Clone this repo/Unzip the folder
  2. Copy all text inside sql.txt and paste it into mysql terminal
  3. Run the spring boot project



  • Maven
  • Java 8
  • Spring Boot


  • User can register, login, and logout.
  • User can update their profile information.
  • User can add their items to be sold.
  • User can see their own items in the shop.
  • User can remove their own items from the shop.
  • User can update their own items from the shop.
  • User can see other User items.
  • User can search for specific other User items in the shop.
  • User can search other User items by category in the shop.
  • User can buy other User items
  • User can’t buy their own products.
  • After an item is bought, that item doesn’t exist anymore.
  • Project using Thymeleaf

Repository: https://github.com/ravielze/CFW.git Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NLLf1UN18f0gt66btpC1oiBtgKfgp1AI/view?usp=sharing Deployed Web:

Deployed using AWS EC2 Server