All the resources in this repository are ONLY for learning purposes!
- This is a simple demonstration to showcase the CI/CD workflow of yocto project with Github, Docker and QEMU
- Finally, to launch QEMU x86_64 image login shell within a docker container after docker pull and run on a host machine
The installation of docker is described in detail on the official Docker website: Docker installation on Ubuntu
sudo getent group docker
add username to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker username
docker build --rm --tag <container:tag> -f Dockerfile .
docker run <container:tag>
docker push <container:tag>
docker pull <container:tag>
docker run --rm -it <container:tag>
The official documentaion: QEMU
sudo apt-install qemu-system-x86 \
qemu-user \
qemu-user-static \