
Toy Implementation of Conway's game of life to practice C++/OOP

Primary LanguageC++


Toy Implementation of Conway's game of life to practice C++/OOP

* Conway's Game of Life
* =====================
* Evolution rules - 
* Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by loneliness.
* Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
* Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
* Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours comes to life.
* Assumption: cells outside the Grid are considered dead

###Usage### executable [<option> <value>]

options :
-run : <test case file> //contains test case
-output : <test case result file> //contains result of the test case
-format : grid|text //grid - 2D view of the Grid (X - alive cell, . - dead cell), text - test case compliant view, contains alive cell indices.

All command line arguments are mandatory

###Directory### /home
    /src - Source code
    /test_data - test_data
        /test_cases - test cases (each file case.txt contains 1 test case, see file for details, x = case Id)
        /results - test results (each file filename_.txt contains 1 result, x = test case case.txt in test_cases, if y=1 : grid format and if y=2 text format)

###Test case format###


example test case -
