What is a Capsule

A Capsule is a group of neurons whose activity vector represents the instantiation parameters of a specific type of entity such as an object or object part.


  • Python 3
    • Tested with version 3.11.7


Training and Evaluation

Step 1. Clone this repository with git and install project dependencies.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2. Start the CapsNet on MNIST training and evaluation:

  • Training with default settings:
$ python main.py
  • Training on 8 GPUs with 30 epochs and 1 routing iteration:
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python main.py --epochs 30 --num-routing 1 --threads 16 --batch-size 128 --test-batch-size 128

The Default Hyper Parameters

Parameter Value CLI arguments
Training epochs 10 --epochs 10
Learning rate 0.01 --lr 0.01
Training batch size 128 --batch-size 128
Testing batch size 128 --test-batch-size 128
Log interval 10 --log-interval 10
Disables CUDA training false --no-cuda
Num. of channels produced by the convolution 256 --num-conv-out-channel 256
Num. of input channels to the convolution 1 --num-conv-in-channel 1
Num. of primary unit 8 --num-primary-unit 8
Primary unit size 1152 --primary-unit-size 1152
Num. of digit classes 10 --num-classes 10
Output unit size 16 --output-unit-size 16
Num. routing iteration 3 --num-routing 3
Use reconstruction loss true --use-reconstruction-loss
Regularization coefficient for reconstruction loss 0.0005 --regularization-scale 0.0005
Dataset name (mnist, cifar10) mnist --dataset mnist
Input image width to the convolution 28 --input-width 28
Input image height to the convolution 28 --input-height 28

Training Loss and Accuracy

The training losses and accuracies for CapsNet-v4 (50 epochs, 3 routing iteration, using reconstruction, regularization scale of 0.0005):

Training accuracy. Highest training accuracy: 100%

Training loss. Lowest training error: 0.1938%

Test Loss and Accuracy

The test losses and accuracies for CapsNet-v4 (50 epochs, 3 routing iteration, using reconstruction, regularization scale of 0.0005):

Test accuracy. Highest test accuracy: 99.32%

Test loss. Lowest test error: 0.2002%

In my case, these are the hyperparameters I used for the training setup:

  • batch size: 128
  • Epochs: 50
  • Num. of routing: 3
  • Use reconstruction loss: yes
  • Regularization scale for reconstruction loss: 0.0005

Total number of parameters on (with reconstruction network): 7302160 (7 million)