My Digital Garden

Local Dev Setup

  1. Install Ruby (Jekyll docs)
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Start local server: bundle exec jekyll serve

Extracting contents from Obsidian vault:

  1. Update OBSIDIAN_VAULT_PATH in scripts/index.js
  2. nvm use 16
  3. npm start

Pre-processing script

  • Selective publishing
    • published: true in frontmatter
    • All content after %%ENDNOTE%% is ignored
  • Copy over images used in notes and add proper links to them in the note contents
  • Update notes frontmatter with tags in the note contents
  • Add created and updated dates in frontmatter

Enhancements to Simply Jekyll

  • A "notes" collection for... notes
  • Use tags from notes and posts collections
  • Add an "updated" date to notes and posts
  • Handle wikilinks (and aliases) from Obsidian
  • Inline transclusion
  • ((...)) brackets for side and margin notes to avoid accidentally creating links in Obsidian.

To do

  • Fix Related.html
  • Handle [[...#header]] wikilinks
  • Handle [[...#header|alias]] wikilinks
  • Distinuish between internal and external links