
Internal agileHR app for Bangazon, LLC

Primary LanguagePython



  • Create an empty directory to house your new project
  • run virtualenv env to create a virtual environment within that directory
  • run source env/bin/activate to initialize a virtual environment (deactivate to exit environment)
  • run git clone [repository id]
  • run cd bangazon-workflow
  • run pip install -r requirements.txt

Seed a Starter Database

  • Run python manage.py makemigrations agileHR
  • Run python manage.py migrate
  • If you want some data to play with, run python manage.py seeder
  • Then run python manage.py training_seeder
  • Initialize the project using the command line by typing python manage.py runserver in the main directory.
  • Access the application in a browser at http://localhost:8000/bangazon.
  • A navbar at the top of the page can be used to visit each of Bangazon's four Human Resources focus areas (employees, departments, trainings, and computers).


  • Employees can be accessed via the navbar. A list of all Employees and their departments is visible.
  • Clicking New Employee will open a form that prompts the user to create a new employee including full name, department, whether or not they are a supervisor, and start date. Submitting the form will take the user back to the Employee page and will display a success message.
  • Clicking on an employee will take the user to the employee detail page, where the user can see the employee's department, assigned computer, and assigned training sessions.
  • Clicking on an assigned training session will take the user to the training detail page (see details in Trainings section below)
  • Clicking Edit Employee will open a form with pre-populated data for that employee-- from there the user can edit any of the employee details.
  • On that edit form, the user can assign a new/different computer to an employee. If the employee already has a computer listed, assigning a new computer will unassign the employee's current computer.
  • The edit form also shows all upcoming trainings for the employee-- these can be deleted by clicking the delete checkboxes for any desired removals, and will be deleted upon submit.
  • Finally, the user can add new training programs for the employee by selecting all desired trainings from the given options-- to select multiple, use ctrl+click for windows and cmd+click for mac.
  • After making all edits to employee data, data will be updated upon submit and the user will be taken back to the employee page with a success message


  • Departments can be accessed via the navbar. A list of all departments' titles, budgets, and sizes (number of assigned employees) is visible.
  • Clicking on a department will display a list of all assigned employees' names. The user can return to the departments list by clicking Go Back
  • Clicking on one of the employee names will take the user to the employee detail page (see specifics in Employee section above)
  • Clicking Add a New Department will open a form that prompts the user to submit a new department name and budget. Saving the form data will return the user to the list of departments. The user can find the department in the list alphabetically.
  • Alternatively, the user can click Go Back to return to the departments list without saving new data.


  • Training sessions can be accessed via the navbar. A list of all training sessions' titles and start date is visible.
  • Clicking Add New Training will open a form that prompts the user to submit a new training session title, start and end date and maximum number of attendees. Saving the session will return the user to the list of training sesssions. The user can find their training session in the list sorted by date.
  • Alternatively, the user can click Go Back to return to the training session list without saving new data.
  • Clicking on a training session will display the training sessions title, start and end date, maximum number of attendees, available seats as well as a list of all employees that are currently registered for that session. The user can return to the training session list by clicking View all Training Sessions.
  • The user can click Edit Details button to be taken to a form that allows the user to edit the details of the training session. Upon saving the session, the user will be returned to the updated training session detail page where their changes will be displayed.
  • Alternatively, the user can select Go Back to return to the training session list without saving changes.
  • From the training session list, if the user scrolls to the bottom and selects View Past Programs, they will be taken to a list of all training sessions with end dates prior to today, clicking on a training session will display the training sessions title, start and end date, maximum number of attendees and a list of all employees that attended that session. The user can return to the training session list by clicking View All Training Sessions


  • Computers can be accessed via the navbar. A list of all computers in use by the company are listed with the name of the employee assigned to it.
  • Clicking New Computer will open a form that prompts the user for the make, model, serial number, and purchase date of the computer. The user must also assign the computer to an employee that does not currently have a computer. Available employees are provided alphabetically in a dropdown.
  • Clicking on a computer from the computer list will show the computer details, including the history of employees that have been assigned to this computer.
  • On the details page, a delete button can be clicked to delete a computer. Clicking it will display a confirmation page. If the computer has never been assigned, it can be deleted. Computers that have any history of being assigned to an employee cannot be deleted.
  • Users can search for computers by make or model from the Computers view.