
week-1 Day-4 Assignment to create Responsive portfolio

Primary LanguageHTML


week-1 Day-4 Assignment to create Responsive portfolio

Assignment Two Instructions - (No Bootstrap)

  1. Copy the contents of Basic-Portfolio (your first homework solution) and paste the mentioned files into Responsive-Portfolio.

  2. Note: Be sure not to include any dot files (e.g. .git, .gitignore) from the Basic-Portfolio repo.

  3. If you chose the Wireframe exercise for your first homework assignment, talk to a TA, who will provide you with a template for your portfolio.

  4. Inside your Responsive-Portfolio folder, find your styles.css file. You will write your media queries at the bottom of styles.css.

  5. Use three @media screen tags, each with one of these max-widths: 980px, 768px and 640px.

    • You use 980px because you never want any of the content to be cut off. Since the desktop layout is about 960px wide, you want the media queries to kick in before your content gets cut off.

    • 768px is about the width of a tablet and 640px is about the width of a phone in landscape.

  6. Make the layout match the following screenshots:

  7. Make the position of the header static (the default positioning) when the screen is 640px wide. The header design takes up a lot of room; you don't want it to stick to the top of a small screen and leave no room for the rest of your site.

  8. Be sure to include the viewport tag in all your HTML files, otherwise your media-queries won't function as expected on mobile devices. (Hint: You won't need to use exact pixels for anything other than the container)

  9. Protip: Use the Chrome extensions Window Resizer and Browser Width to see the browser dimensions in Chrome.

  10. Deploy your new portfolio (now with media queries!) to GitHub Pages.

Submitting Your Work on BootCampSpot

  1. Submit the GitHub links to your portfolio repositories on GitHub.

  2. Submit the link to your (GitHub Pages) deployed site in the same input field.


Reminder: Submission on BCS

  • Please submit both the deployed Github.io link to your homework AND the link to the Github Repository!

Minimum Requirements

Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed.

One More Thing

If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you're still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs.

Good Luck!